Animals of the Soul
Sacred Animals of the Oglala Sioux
by Joseph Epes Brown
Wisdom of the Elders
Sacred Native Stories of Nature by David Suzuki, Peter Knudtson
Wisdom's Daughters
Conversations With Women Elders of Native America
by Steve Wall, Harvey Arden
Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit
Essays on Native American Life Today by Leslie Marmon Silko
Think on These Things
Thoughts to Enrich Your Days by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Walk in Balance
The Path to Healthy, Happy, Harmonious Living
Sun Bear, Crystalis Mulligan, Peter Nufer,
Wabun Wind
The Man Made of Words
Essays, Stories, Passages by N. Scott Momaday
The Sacred Hoop
Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions
The Spirit of Place
A Workbook for Sacred Alignment: Ceremonies and Visualizations for
Cultivating Your Relationship With the Earth
Compass of the Heart
Embodying Medicine Wheel Teachings
Coyete's Council Fire
Contemporary Shamans on Race, Gender and Community
Answering Chief Seattleby Albert Furtwangler
Buffalo Woman Comes Singing
The Spirit Song of a Rainbow Medicine Woman by Brooke Medicine Eagle
Dancing the Wheel of Psychological Types by Mary E. Loomis
Dancing With the Wheel
The Medicine Wheel Workbook by
Sun Bear
A Spiritual History of the Living World by Linda Hogan
Wabun Wind, Crysalis Mulligan
Daughters of the Buffalo Women
Earth Medicine Gift of Power Hawk Woman Dancing With the Moon House Made of Dawnby N. Scott Momaday
Navajo and Tibetan Sacred Wisdom Native Wisdom Pretty-Shield Seven Arrows Spirit Medicine Spirit Moves
Indian Medicine Power
The Circle Is Sacred
This list will be modified pretty regularly, so come back often! Enjoy, and live long and prosper.
Also, if you're interested in a topic not listed here, by all means, use the Amazon search form below.
Maintaining the Tribal Faith by Beverly Hungry Wolf
Revealing Hidden Teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel by Kenneth Meadows
The Life and Teachings of a Lakota Medicine Man
by Archie Fire Lame Deer, Richard Erdoes
by Tela Star Hawk Lake
The Circle of the Spirit by Peter Gold
Perceptions of the Natural Way by Ed McGaa
Medicine Woman of the Crows by Frank Bird Linderman
by Hyemeyohsts Storm
Native American Teachings to Awaken the Spirit by Wolf Moondance
The Story of Six Generations of Native Women by Loree Boyd
by Brad Steiger
A Medicine Book for Women by Asia Sayr Ladd (Photographer), Scout Cloud Lee